Old Quarantine Station i West Island

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West Island 6799, Wyspy Kokosowe
Kontakter telefon: +61
Latitude: -12.1742333, Longitude: 96.8196922
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Kommentar 5

  • Anik Sri

    Anik Sri


    pengen mrono ndes

  • WotterMelon



    After considering many possible locations, my wife and I decided to honeymoon at the Old Quarantine Station. Best. Decision. Ever. There were lots of other really friendly couples who also had our highly, highly contagious disease. What an ice-breaker, to know you have something so personal in common with the other guests! My hope is that someday we will be able to go home, but for now, I'm just going to relax and soak in (literally) what this place has to offer.

  • zippo zappato

    zippo zappato


    The best place to recover from Malarial Disentry. Beaches are Fantastic! Play cards and sip Gin. Nothing like it this side of Heaven! Massages mornings and evenings from Nurses are great! Just one thing...make sure you get a good Mosquito Net!

  • Casey Nefcy

    Casey Nefcy


    best quarantine i have ever experienced. hands down. highly recommend

  • Ben Bergman

    Ben Bergman


    Best Quarantine Station in Asia. AMAZING Service and so friendly!! Would recommend to friend. Seriously, I can't stress enough how wonderful it was to be quarantined here!!

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