Cocos Seaview Apartments i West Island

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5 Qantas Close, West Island 6799, Kokosinsel (Keeling)
Kontakter telefon: +61 8 9162 6761
Latitude: -12.193214, Longitude: 96.83236
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Kommentar 5

  • Christian Knospe

    Christian Knospe


    Traumhaftes Hotel auf einer traumhaften Insel!

  • legi titan

    legi titan


    Mantapp nih buat persembunyian...

  • legi titan

    legi titan


    Mantapp nih buat persembunyian...

  • Ajit Kumar

    Ajit Kumar



  • Ron Nash

    Ron Nash


    This small (3 unit) accommodation business is one of the best you will find anywhere. The couple who own the business make you feel right at home with their cheery, cosy accommodation, that is always clean and beautifully presented. They are genuine down-to-earth Aussies with great social skills, and they're good company. They attend to all your reasonable needs and requests without a problem. The units are single room with ensuite and a small kitchen combined. The cooking facilities are basic (fridge, sink, cutlery and crockery - but no stove - however, an electric frypan is provided) - and they have a great outdoor/camp kitchen with an electric BBQ hotplate for grilling and frying. The position of Cocos Seaview is right alongside Govt House and only 150 metres from the Ocean. It's also located within about half a kilometre of the town centre, where the Motel, Store and Airport Terminal is located. The owner of Cocos Seaview picks you up and delivers you to the airport, and also provides a great island tour in his 11 seat solar/electric open-sided bus. My wife and I enjoyed a fabulous 3 weeks here, the temperatures are amazing - 24°C minimum to 29°C maximum, every day. I can recommend this business to anyone who wishes to find top-class accommodation, on Cocos-Keeling Islands.

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